it comes to air duct cleaning there are numerous myths that surround
its concept. So if you are looking for residential air duct cleaner in
DC to get your home's air duct cleaned, then you must be aware of these
myths and the truth that debunk them.
Take a look at these myths and the debunking truth about duct cleaning before hiring a residential air duct cleaning DC service below.
Myth #1: Air Duct Cleaning Improves Air Flow Within Your Home
Truth: If you are experiencing air flow issues, such as lack of heating or cooling coming into your home, then air duct cleaning isn't the permanent solution. With air duct cleaning only the small particles that have been stuck over time in the system will get removed. However, it will not change the layout of your air duct design or increase the airflow in your duct system or re balance your duct system. It also won't help with sealing any breaches in your air duct system. For addressing air flow issues, you will need a professionally-conducted flow hood test that will measure the volume of air that is pushed through your HVAC system along with a complete duct inspection. There are several potential solutions which may vary depending upon the system and the problem, but may include adding an air flow balancing damper, expanding some or all duct system runs and redesigning the complete duct system.
Myth #2: You need to Clean Air Ducts Every 3 to 5 years
Truth: It is absolutely false. Air duct cleaning no doubt helps in removing accumulated particulates that hamper the cost-efficient HVAC operation but it is not necessary to get it cleaned every few years. You need to understand that air duct cleaning is not a part of regular HVAC maintenance. When your duct work is sealed properly, you change filters regularly as per manufacturer recommendations and floor registers are cleaned using vacuum every six months to avoid dust build up, hence frequent air duct cleaning isn't necessary. However, if you have carried out a major remodeling or renovation project of your home, you need to get the air ducts cleaned to get rid of the accumulation of dust. And once cleaned, no need to get it cleaned frequently. Moreover, you can follow simple maintenance steps to avoid spending more for continued HVAC operational efficiency.
Myth #3: Cleaning Air Ducts Eliminate Mold and Odors
No not at all! Air duct cleaning alone cannot eliminate odors coming
from your HVAC system. It is true that some air duct cleaners include a
microbial spray to get rid of the odors, but eventually it will come
back. For removing the odor completely you need to remove the source
that includes rodents, improperly sealed duct work allowing outside air
to enter from your crawl space or attic, and mold growth due to moisture
build up. Air duct cleaning helps in removing particulate deposits but
cannot eliminate the underlying cause from its roots. You may consider
upgrading your air purification system once the odors are eliminated to
keep the air within your home clean and healthy.
So while looking for a professional air duct cleaner in DC, be realistic about the outcome and do not go for frequent cleaning!
Air Duct Cleaning Service DC offers professional air duct cleaning in DC at the best price. To know more about their air duct cleaner DC visit https://www.airductcleaningservicedc.com/residential-ductcleaning.php
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